Gnostic Jesus: MAIN PAGE
What is Gnosticism? Overview
   Gnostic Cosmogony
   Sophia Myth
   Adam and Eve
   Concept of the Deity in Gnosticism
   Gnostic View of Human Beings
   Salvation in Gnosticism
   Gnosticism: Dualism and Monism
   Gnostic Conduct and Ethics
   Gnostic Sacraments

The Mystic Christ

   by Ethan Walker III
The light of non-duality and the path of love according to the life and teachings of Jesus. The Gnostic path is the inner path to God-realization. Buddha, Krishna, Jesus and the other great Masters are all one and in essence taught the same thing.

The Gnostic Paul: Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline Letters
       by Elaine H. Pagels

Written before The Gnostic Gospels, Pagels investigates the Valentinian Gnostic reading of the Pauline letters which present a new perspective on Pauline studies. This exegesis of Paul is composed in a high scholarly fashion.

The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus
   edited and translated by Marvin Meyer

For those just beginning their Gnostic exploration, this is our top recommendation. An eminently talented Gnostic commentator and translator, Professor Marvin Meyer has distinguished himself over the last thirty years. Heralded as the best collection he has ever published, Meyer proffers twelve Gnostic “gospels” in a succinctly readable and accurate translation.
   Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel  of Thomas         
    by Elaine Pagels

With another book destined to become a classic, Pagels revisits the themes she initially introduced in her breakthrough study, The Gnostic Gospels. In Beyond Belief, Pagels blends ancient history with a subtle telling of her personal struggle in an effort to reveal the intimacy of spirituality.

What is Gnosticism? General Overview

Gnosticism is in itself derived from the Greek word gnosis, meaning knowledge. This is distinct from mere intellectual knowledge. Rather it implies a deeper mystical or direct understanding of the nature of existence. It has to do with experiencing the Divine directly within one’s own self. Therefore, Gnosticism is not simply a philosophy. It is much more than that. A mere philosophy is solely a collection of ideas. Gnosticism employs meditation, contemplation, various sacraments and rituals that make this lost religion very unique. To qualify as a Gnostic religion, there a few shared concepts included in nearly every sect of Gnosticism. Usually there is the notion of an absolute, remote, monadic deity. Gnostics believe that all subsequent beings emanated from this Ultimate Divine Being. Gnosticism builds its conclusive foundation on the Fall of Man. Creation is explained by the Gnostics through use of a complex mythological and cosmological drama; usually involving the fall of a divine element into the material world that will only attain salvation via a process of awakening – the journey to gnosis. This specific knowledge is obviously a central factor that is achieved only through meditation and a redeemer figure that is varied in different Gnostic texts.


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